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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Aggression Recycled

I recently saw a video that I liked. It inspired me to make a similar video about how we can recycle outdated training equipment.  To see my video, click here or see below

I use to be a crank n' yanker
But then I saw the light

My dogs are really happy
That I'm finally doing things right

No more choke chains on their necks
Now they are used to keep my gate in check

Pinch collars are just wrong
Now the prongs are stakes
That hold their play pens in place

Citronella spray is for mosquitoes
And shocks - I don't even know

All I know is I heard my dog when she said
Don't tase me bro!

I still use spray bottles every day
But not in their face
I fill them with natural ingredients
To keep the fleas away

Newspapers are for reading
And empty that can of pennies
To buy treats for eating

Yes, I have evolved
When I have a problem that needs to be solved
I assess instead of suppress
I train instead of complain
I help them instead of making them yelp

Force free isn't just for tricks
Serious behavior problems can also be fixed

My dogs say force free training is Da Bomb
Come see how we do it at

Does anyone else regret yanking, shocking, or spritzing their dogs? Tell us about in the comments below.
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